Kerstin Engelhardt

Kerstin Engelhardt


Telephone: +49 (0)30 403010226
#movement #values #insights

I joined SOCIUS in 2005 and have been a partner since 2009.

I was born in 1961 and studied History, Protestant Theology and Journalism (MA). I began my career working for several concentration camp memorial sites. I then spent seven years at the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) and held a leadership position there for four years. Finally, I arrived at SOCIUS.

I trained as a systemic coach (artop-Institut at the Humboldt University Berlin, certified by DBVC), Gestalt consultant (with Dr. Wolfgang Looss), health coach/seminar leader for stress management (IEK Berlin) and as a text-based online consultant (Deutsche Psychologen Akademie).

My main focus is on organizational consulting, coaching and supervision, as well as program and process evaluation. I regard the key aim of my work as supporting my clients by enabling them to gain new perspectives and capabilities. The solutions I offer are not ready-made; they are developed together with my clients and are tailored to fit specific situations.

I see my work as value-based; I orientate myself to current research and continuously reflect on my own professional experiences. Furthermore, my work always combines results orientation and process orientation. In terms of methodology, I use systemic and Gestalt consulting techniques, and often work with visualization.

I am registered as:

  • Process consultant for the unternehmensWert:Mensch development program in the fields of human resources management, equal opportunities and diversity, and health (
  • Coach for Live Democracy! the federal programm for the prevention of right-wing extremism, violence and hostility (
  • Coach for the Protestant Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz (EKBO) (
  • Consultant / Lecturer for the Offensive Mittelstand campaign for SMEs (htpp: //

Publications include:

(2016) Engelhardt/Gottwald: Belastung, Stress, Burnout: individuelle und strukturelle Bearbeitungswege. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Coaching e.V. (Hg.): Beratungspraxis an der Schnittstelle von Coaching und Organisationsentwicklung

(2016) Engelhardt/Kriesel: Inklusion in der Organisationsentwicklung.

(2015) Baier/Engelhardt/Niedbala/Ulrich: Europeans for Peace. Evaluationsergebnisse zu einem europäischen Förderprogramm der Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft. In: IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Hg.): Forum Jugendarbeit International 2013-2015, S. 338-352

I love reading, cycling and playing the card game ‘Doppelkopf‘, and I enjoy moments of pure relaxation. I am also a voluntary board member for an association for political memorials (

My favourite piece of wisdom is loosely based on the words of author and Holocaust survivor, Ruth Klüger: ‘With age comes freedom’.


SOCIUS Organisationsberatung gemeinnützige GmbH

Tempelhofer Ufer 21, 10963 Berlin
Tel:  +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 0 (Main line)
Fax: +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 20
Email: info[at]

Team members and direct dial telephone numbers:

Christian Baier - 24
Joana Ebbinghaus - 29
Kerstin Engelhardt  - 26
Andreas Knoth - 23
Nicola Kriesel  - 25
Denise Noerenberg (Accountent) - 27
Dr. Ralph Piotrowski - 25
Dr. Rudi Piwko - 22
Personal Email: [Surname]

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SOCIUS Organisationsberatung GmbH

SOCIUS Organisationsberatung gemeinnützige GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 21, 10963 Berlin
Tel: +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 0 (Main line)
Fax: +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 20
Email: info[at]

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