Support for Organisations


Developing mission and value statements

A mission statement formulates the purpose, core values and working approach of an organization in 1-2 pages. It serves as an important reference point, both internally and externally, in decision and development processes. A mission development process usually involves a combination of workshops with all relevant stakeholders and working sessions with an assigned editorial group. An organization’s exising culture is often out of tune with the values it advocates. In such cases, we assist organizations in raising awareness about organizational culture and devising initiatives to actively shape it.

Facilitating restructuring processes

Restructuring may be necessary following a phase of growth or transition. A process of structural development usually starts with an analysis phase (interviews and/or a collaborative appraisal of problem areas). This is followed by a phase of developing objectives for change and a step-by-step implementation process; it also includes regular monitoring of the impacts of new structures on working conditions. Wherever possible, we work closely with a steering group which supports and coordinates the change process from within the organization.

Results-based strategies

Civil society organizations that contribute to social change have to respond to continuously evolving issues, challenges and opportunities. We support you in developing a guiding ‘theory of change’ as a basis for organizational strategies. We follow an open, opportunity-based strategy model. The primary aim of our approach is to strengthen your ability to act with a clear sense of direction and an orientation towards your organization’s existing resources and potential.


Evaluation deals with the analysis and assessment of projects and programs. We conduct formative evaluations (during the process) or summative evaluations (after project  completion) and put the findings into the context of strategic organizational development. We are experienced with state-of-the-art evaluation systems and international agency standards. Qualitative and human-based approaches such as ‘outcome mapping’ are our points of reference. In addition, we place a particular emphasis on transparent discourse on evaluation targets in order to balance internal and external evaluation motives, such as generating legitimacy, and supporting control and learning.

Facilitating retreats and workshops

Regular retreats are a vital ingredient for the development of a professionally and structurally healthy organization. External facilitation can be fruitful as a structured accompaniment to discussion and decision-making processes. As facilitators, we assist you in the step-by-step development and implementation of coherent processes whilst taking team and relationship dynamics into account. We always encourage you to hold such retreats away from the regular workplace to free up mental space for new ideas and motivation.

Large group processes

Disseminating an impetus for change in a wider organization involves great effort. This challenge has led to the development of methods that bring the competencies of an entire organization into one space. Using conference formats such as FutureSearch, Open Space or Appreciative Inquiry, we facilitate the active involvement of people from all levels of an organization in change processes. This broad range of perspectives and expertise generates legitimacy and a sense of ownership. Participants experience their contributions as relevant and valuable, which has the potential to contribute to the evolution of a new dialogue culture beyond the frame of the conference.


SOCIUS Organisationsberatung gemeinnützige GmbH

Tempelhofer Ufer 21, 10963 Berlin
Tel:  +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 0 (Main line)
Fax: +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 20
Email: info[at]

Team members and direct dial telephone numbers:

Christian Baier - 24
Joana Ebbinghaus - 29
Kerstin Engelhardt  - 26
Andreas Knoth - 23
Nicola Kriesel  - 25
Denise Noerenberg (Accountent) - 27
Dr. Ralph Piotrowski - 25
Dr. Rudi Piwko - 22
Personal Email: [Surname]

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SOCIUS Organisationsberatung GmbH

SOCIUS Organisationsberatung gemeinnützige GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 21, 10963 Berlin
Tel: +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 0 (Main line)
Fax: +49 +30 40 30 10 2 - 20
Email: info[at]

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